Sunday, December 28, 2014


Mobile Phone

Living in China is no easy task, but luckily there are some apps that will make everyday life a lot easier. In the following blog post I will discuss 4 mobile phone apps that will simplify life in China.

WeChat WeChat

In China Blackberry Messenger and Whatsapp are almost completely unheard of. If you want to chat then Wechat is the way to go. Created by the Chinese Mobile Application giant TenCent Wechat is the most popular social network in China.

If Whatsapp and Facebook had a child their offspring would be WeChat! It shares Whatsapps’ voice note, and messaging features and Facebooks’ wall feature (known to WeChat users as moments). Furthermore it also has a VoIP feature similar to that of Skype

In China one does not have a choice but to download this nifty little application. Simply put if you can’t beat them join them

To Download WeChat Click Here.

PM 2.5 Detector

Air Pollution
China is well known for its high levels of Air pollution and if you are planning to stay in china for a long period of time I recommend getting a PM 2.5 Detector.  This type of app allows you to check the PM 2.5 index (i.e. the level of air pollution) at any time.

At the time of writing I sadly do not have an app that serves this function, but I am on the lookout and will update this post shortly.

P.S. if you know of an app for this please feel free to comment!


Taobao is the ebay/amazon of china and allows you to buy almost any product imaginable. Owned by Alibaba it is the most popular e-commerce website in china and it allows you to buy anything from corn to parts for your car.

Prices are normally cheaper than most in real life shops and it’s a must have for any person living in China

Download the app Here

Learn Chinese

Learn China
Living in China and not being able to speak the language is a mammoth task. Luckily the Learn Chinese app is available to make your life a lot (and I mean a lot) easier! This useful little app provides you with a massive list of words and phrases that will come in to use almost every day.

Whether you want to learn Chinese or simply want a little help getting your message across  Learn Chinese is a must have app.

Download Learn Chinese here: Apple Android

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